Maging Sino Ka Man is a Filipino soap opera that premiered on the ABS-CBN network on October 6, 2006. The show revolves around the lives of four main characters (Jackie, Eli, JB, and Celine) who each are searching for purpose, freedom, love, and happiness. The title text translates roughly to "whoever you may be"/ "whoever you are"
There is no confirmed timeline yet for this series. Initial rumors hinted that the show will last for three months. However, there is also speculation that the series has been extended to March 2007.
Maging Sino Ka Man is a Filipino soap opera that premiered on the ABS-CBN network on October 6, 2006. The show revolves around the lives of four main characters (Jackie, Eli, JB, and Celine) who each are searching for purpose, freedom, love, and happiness. The title text translates roughly to "whoever you may be"/ "whoever you are"
There is no confirmed timeline yet for this series. Initial rumors hinted that the show will last for three months. However, there is also speculation that the series has been extended to March 2007.